This semester has been tough on me in regards to finding time to precook my meals. Today I had the day off, and ended my semester so I was able to prepare my meals for work. Its a nice feeling to have my meals ready to go, to make sure I am able to eat healthy meals. These lovely vegetables were bought from
Russo's in Watertown, MA.
Two servings of soup (carrots, potato, turnip, onion in chicken broth), Two servings of carrots, broccoli and potato, one serving of purple potato and smushed sweet potato, two servings of spaghetti squash with sauted green peppers, crimini mushrooms, onions and eggplant.
Spaghetti squash with sauted green peppers, crimini mushrooms, onions and eggplant.
Carrots, broccoli and potato.
It is quite a blessing when my biggest concern is fitting things into the fridge.